


How do you grow?

Our body is composed of millions of cells. They are so small that they can only be seen under a powerful microscope. We grow as these cells divide in two again and again to make new cells. This is called cell multiplication and mostly happens when we are young. We look young because most of our body is made from new cells.

Most people live until they are 70 or more. During this time, their body undergoes many changes from growing during childhood to slowly deteriorating in old age.

What is puberty?

What happens at puberty?

Puberty is the time when the body begins to change from a child's to an adult's. A gif begins to grow breasts and her hips become wider. She grows hair around her genitals. Eventually, her monthly periods or menstruation begin. A boy's testes begin to grow and produce sperm. He begins to grow hair on his chin and his voice deepens

Body changes

We are born with sexual or reproductive organs. These organs enable us to have children as adults. Puberty is that stage of our life when the organs develop for US to have children. Puberty comes at different ages in different people. Girls typically reach puberty at 11 or 12. Boys reach it at 13 or so.

What makes you grow?

The pituitary gland in our brain sends out a chemical in the blood called the 'growth hormone'. This hormone tells the body cells to divide and multiply.

What happens when you grow old?

By the time you are 20 or so, you are fully grown. From then on, your body starts to deteriorate slowly. People age at different rates, but by the time you are 65 or so, you will be less fit. The ability to run and jump will reduce. The hair will grey. There may be baldness. The skin will be wrinkled. You may stoop. All senses will be less sharp. Still, all body cells except for the nerve cells are continually being renewed, even when you grow old.

1.     Before cell division begins, each chromosome is copied. Two copies coil up into dark rods that join to make an X-shaped pair.

2.       The pair of chromosomes line up across the center of the sell. They stick on to tiny threads that grow across the sell.

3.       The threads being tugging in opposite directions. The pair split in half is pulled to the opposite and of the sell.

4.       A new nucleus starts to from around the cluster of chromosomes is identical.

5.       A membrane grows around the two new nuclei, and eventually the old sell divides down the middle to create two brand new cells.

How cells grow

New human cells are made when old cells split in half. This is how the body grows when we are young, and how the body cells that are worn out are replaced by new ones. The process of cell division is called mitosis. It ensures that each new cell 1st identical and gets a copy of the cell's instructions or chromosomes,

 Thank you  guys please read and watch all my post and comment in my post. I will post important contain about today science and  useful contain in our life. Thank you so much all of you

'Best of luck'




#Growth     #How do you grow?      #What is puberty?        #What happens at puberty?         #Body changes      #What makes you grow?         #What happens when you grow old?            #Before cell          #The pair     # The threads     #The threads            # A new nucleus          # A membrane grows            #How cells grow            #'Best of luck'



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