


What is a brain?

The brain is made of 100 billion tiny nerve cells, each connected with up to 25,000 others. These nerve cells make your brain clever making it to do everything from analyzing the signals coming from your senses to controlling your body and of course thinking.

What goes on in the brain?

Various things occur in the different parts of the Drain the center of the brain is at the top of the neck where nerves from the spine join it. This is where body functions like breathing and heart rate are controlled. Just behind this IS the 'cerebellum which controls balance and coordination. Wrapped around the outside is the cerebrum where you think, and complex tasks like speaking and actions you decide on are controlled.

What is the nervous system?

The nervous system is the Day s hot line carrying messages from the Drain to every organ and muscle in the body, and sending back a constant stream of information to the brain about the word both inside and outside the body. If is made from long strings of special nerve cells or neurons.

What is the central nervous system?

The brain and the spinal cord (the bundle of nerves that runs through the middle of the backbone) together make. What is called the central nervous system, or CNS. The nerves radiate out from the CNS in branches. Ins 5 this is why severe damage to the spine can make someone paralyzed

A Inside the brain

A brain has two halves or hemispheres, left and right. They are linked by a bundle of nerves called the corpus callosum. The center has a collection of different structures, each with its own task.

What is the cortex?

The senses are received in a part of the brain called the cortex. If is the outer layer of the brain at the top. The part of the brain which registers what you see is called the visual cortex'. This is at the back of the brain.

How is brain structure?

The brains looks like a large, soggy, pinkish grey walnut on the outside. This is because the outer part of the brain is made of masses of nerves called the grey matter. They are wrinkled up to get as much inside your head as possible.

Juggling skill

Skills like juggling. Which require tremendous coordination are gradually programmed into the Cerebellum at the back of the brain.

What is the difference between the two halves of the brain?

The left side of the brain Controls the right side of the body; the right side controls the left. Most people are right- handed because the left side of the brain is dominant. In left-handed people, the right side of the brain is dominant. As the part of the brain that controls speech is on the left side of the brain, and the part of the brain that controls awareness of space is on the right, some people believe that left-handed people are good at art and design.

Nerves in the body

Nerves link the brain to every part of the body. Like branches on a tree, the nerves spread out from the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Motor nerves control movement. Sensory nerves send signals back to the brain. Sensory and motor nerves are usually paired.




  Thank you  guys please read and watch all my post and comment in my post. I will post important contain about today science and  useful contain in our life. Thank you so much all of you

'Best of luck'






#Brain  #What is a brain  #What is the difference between the two halves of the brain?   #Nerves in the body    #What is the cortex?    #Nerves in the body






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