Eye and vision
Eye and vision
Our eyes
resemble a TV camera. At the front is a lens called the cornea the disc in the
centre of your eye. This projects a picture onto an array of light-sensitive
cells.hias area Is called the retina which lines the back of your eye. The retsa
then sends signals to your brain.
Why have we got two
Each eye
gives a slightly different view of the same thing. The near era thing is, the
greater the difference between the view. These slight differences combine in
the brain to give us an impression of 3D depth and solidity, and allow you to
judge easily just how far away things are.
Your eyes
eyes are two tough little balls filled with a jelly-like substance. They are
very sensitive to dirt, so you blink frequently to wipe away the dust, and they
are washed away by tears.
How do you see when it
is dark?
In order to
see well in the dark, your pupils open wider to let in more light. In the dark,
it gets up to 16 times bigger. The sensitivity of the retina increases too, by
up to 100,000 times. But the retina becomes less sensitive and the pupil narows
in very bright light. Even so, very bright light can damage the eyes, which is
why you should never look directly at the sun.
Color mix
All the
colours you see are contained in white daylight. If you spin this wheel of
color, the colours would mix to look white.
What are rods and
Rods and
cones are the two kinds of light-sensifive cells in your retina. Rods tell you
how bright a light is. Cones fell you what colour it is. Rods are much more
sensitive than Cones and work even in dim light. Cones do not work well in dim
light, which iS why colours look grey at night.
How do you see in
If was once
thought that there are three kinds of cones in the eye-Some sensifive to red
lignt, some to green and some fo blue. So, some scientists think you see
colours simply as different mixtures of these three primary colors. Others
think that there are pairs of cones sensifive to blue and yellow, red and
green, and the colour you see depends on which half of the pair is stimulated
most by the light.
What is in your
Eyes are
filled with a jelly- like substance called vitreous humour which is very clear
to let you see well.
What are the primary
colors of light?
colours are three basic Colors fthat can be mixed in different proportions to
make every ofther colour. The primary Colours of light are blue, green and red.
But when mixing paint. you use three different primary Colours-yellow, magenta
(a kind of purply red). and cyan (a greeny blue).
What is short sight?
short-sighted person can only clearly see objects that are close fo them.
What is your iris?
It is the
coloured part of the eyes is the iris. It is the ring around the dark centre or
pupil of your eye It has muscles that control the size of the pupil and
pigments which give your eye its colour.
Flipped flower
As rays of
light focus through the cornea, they cross over. So the picture in your eye is
flipped upside down though your brain see sit as normal.
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