Ear and Hear


Ear and Hear

SOUND WAVES TRAVEL THROUGH THE AIR and are picked up by your ears. Your ear flap funnels sounds through a tube called the ear canal. The sound reaches the eardrum. It vibrates the eardrum. As the eardrum vibrates, it rattles three little bones called ossicles. They knock against the 'cochlea' deep inside the ear. The cochlea is filled with fluid, and as it is knocked, waves run through the fluid. The waves waggle the hairs attached to nerves. The waggling of the hairs tells  your brain about the sound.

Inside the ear

The flap of the skin on the side of your head is only the entrance to the real ear. Inside are all the complex mechanisms of the middle ear, designed to pick up the faintest vibrations in the air and amplify them enough for the hearing nerve to respond to.

Why have you got two ears?

You have two ears so that you can tell which direction a sound is coming from, You Can pinpoint sound because a Sound to the left of you is slightly louder in your left ear than in the right ear, and vice versa.

What is earwax?

Earwax is a yellow-brown waxy Substance made in the glands lining the ear canal. its purpose is to trap dirt and germs and prevent them from getting into the inner ear.

Why do ears pop?

When going up or down in a plane, the air pressure may change before the air inside your ears can adjust. The popping is when the pressure evens out again.

Inside the cochlea

The vibrations of a sound are amplified (made much bigger) by the time they reach the cochlea of the inner ear, but they are still very tiny so inside the cochlea is a remarkably sensitive flap which moves with waves in the cochlea mechanism which picks up every slight movement of the fluid.

How is sound measured?

Sound is measured in decibels These go up geometrically, i.e., three decibels is twice as loud as two and four twice as loud as three, and so on.

How loud is a pin dropping?

About fen decibels-just about the quietest sound you can hear. A whisper is about 20 decibels. Some animals hear even quieter sounds.

How loud is a jet?

A jet engine is about 140 decibels. This kind of noise is genuinely painful to the ears. It can do a lasting damage. Any continuous sound over 90 decibels can be damaging.

How do your ears help you balance?

Next to the cochlea are three tiny fluid-filled rings called semicircular canals. They detect the tiny movements your brain is making, telling you when you are tilting one way or the other, as the fluid moves inside the canal.     

What are the ossicles?

The ossicles are three tiny linked bones in the middle ear. They are the hammer or malleus, anvil or incus and stirrup or stapes.


Sounds are transmitted through the middle ear by the tiny ossicles. The hammer bangs against the anvil like a blacksmith's hammer. The stirrup gets its name because it is shaped like a rider's stirrup.


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'Best of luck'










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